There are a bunch of amazing facts about Quartz Countertops that you might not know yet. These countertops are often thought to be below the countertops that are made up of natural stones such as granite, and marble because they are man-made. Contrary to this popular belief that is instilled in the minds of several homebuyers, Quartz countertops bring some outstanding surprises your way.

Hold on your breath and read the following extract to know some surprising facts!

1. Quartz countertops and Solid Quartz are two different things:

Almost every homebuyer who comes across Quartz mistakenly believes that quartz countertops are solid quartz, however, this is not the case. In these countertops, quartz is used as a manufacturing item. Approximately 90% of the materials that are used in the production are crushed up remains of natural stones such as marble, granite, and other stones, grounded quartz, or recycled items such as mirrors and glass. The remaining 10% are color agents, resins, and cement-based materials. All these materials are well-mixed to form the quartz countertops that give the feel and touch of a proper stone-like countertop.

2. Quartz countertops flow from the same origin:

The quartz countertops were originated in Italy by Marcello Toncelli in the year 1963. He invented the technology of processing quartz countertops and since then all the companies that are fabricating Quartz countertops have adopted the same way. This illustration was licensed as Breton stone, and even after 58 years of its development, the quality and build-up of quartz countertops have not fallen a bit.

To date, over 50 plus companies from around the globe have been licensed by Bretonstone. The main and important procedure that is followed in the development is that of Breton stone, but minimal changes are adopted by these companies as well. The array of patterns and shades that are made on-demand in quartz countertops has caused some changes in the production and inclusion of metal fillings, glass, mirrors, and industrial wastes.

3. Rising demand for Quartz results in lower prices of Granite:

As soon as the Quartz countertops rose to popularity, and more and more homebuyers and designers in the market became known for these countertops and their beautiful plus beneficial surfaces, it proved to be a competitor for Granite. Just in the passage of some time, quartz took over granite’s demand and popularity all over Montreal. Homeowners who were gushing over the millennium-old stone had turned their attention toward the new countertop. What followed ahead was the economic factor that when the demand for a product goes down, so does its price and that is what happened with Granite. A reliable source also went on to share that the availability of granite has been wider ever since quartz has risen to immense popularity.

The Quartz countertops might have taken over the market by storm but it is worth it because of their outstanding appearance, durable and extremely harmless surface, and affordable pricing. With all these advantages on your side, head on to our website Granite4less to get the best and most high-quality countertops in Montreal.

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